WARNING: Cats and Christmas Trees in Idaho Don't Mix WellWARNING: Cats and Christmas Trees in Idaho Don't Mix WellOf course, if you own a dog, the tree should be fine.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Real or Fake? The Idaho Christmas Tree Debate Real or Fake? The Idaho Christmas Tree Debate It depends on your circumstances. Bill ColleyBill Colley
Twin Falls Animal Shelter Giving Dogs and Cats AwayTwin Falls Animal Shelter Giving Dogs and Cats AwayYou can provide a future and a home.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho Veterinarian Shortage Stresses Animal Lovers Idaho Veterinarian Shortage Stresses Animal Lovers You get a sense of helplessness.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Cats and Dogs Also Feel the Bitter Idaho ColdCats and Dogs Also Feel the Bitter Idaho ColdOutdoor cats in cold weather: surviving harsh winters but not enjoying the cold.Bill ColleyBill Colley
What to Bring Inside or Not Own During Idaho Wind StormsWhat to Bring Inside or Not Own During Idaho Wind StormsThere are certain things it's good to bring inside when the wind gets to a certain point, or you may need to say goodbye to them, not knowing where they will end up.JeffJeff
Has Your Idaho Home had a Christmas Fail Like This One?Has Your Idaho Home had a Christmas Fail Like This One?They can’t blame it on a cat.Bill ColleyBill Colley
This is Where Idaho Ranks for Dog OwnershipThis is Where Idaho Ranks for Dog OwnershipAll these numbers are based on research from last year.Bill ColleyBill Colley
I'm Not Mourning a Dead Moose in IdahoI'm Not Mourning a Dead Moose in IdahoA moose doesn’t mean well. Not in my view.Bill ColleyBill Colley
When is it Ok to Claim a Stray as Your Own in the Magic Valley? When is it Ok to Claim a Stray as Your Own in the Magic Valley? Occasionally one of the stray cats or dogs will approach people and become friends with them, but at what point is it ok to claim them as your pet?JeffJeff