TRUTH: Idaho Agriculture Doesn’t Need Illegal Aliens
A guy selling dope on a street corner isn’t an undocumented pharmacist. A man who robs a bank isn’t making an undocumented withdrawal. People who cross our borders illegally are all criminals—100 percent of them. From the moment they crossed without permission, they broke the law. They aren’t undocumented migrants, but newsrooms keep editorializing.
News Media is Working to Promote Lawbreaking
Over the weekend, I saw a story from Idaho Falls where the decision was made to refer to demonstrators as undocumented. Par for the course when it comes to newsroom liberals and social engineers.
Over the weekend, a former coworker also challenged me on facts related to welfare use by illegal immigrants. Every day, I read the equivalent of a novel. He gets his news from Stephen Colbert. In response to his challenge, I provided one link of many. The numbers are collected from the Census Bureau, which was compiled under the Biden Administration.
Many illegal aliens collect benefits after dropping an anchor baby. That’s an editorial choice, but if liberal media can do it, then so can I.
Birthright citizenship isn’t a settled law. Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley explained it over the weekend. He’s anything but a conservative.
There is No Settled Law
Roe hasn’t settled the law. The system has what’s called judicial review.
Lastly, only a fraction of illegal aliens are working in the agriculture industry, and their numbers will shrink through automation. If you’re a liberal and view CNN, you may have seen this. The anchor didn’t challenge the claim.
You’ve been schooled. That is if you can read in the first place.
5 Things Idahoans Would Rather Have Banned Over TikTok
Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews