Thousands Will Descend on Boise and News Media Will Strive to Ignore
Due to newsroom layoffs, the revolution will not be televised. Tomorrow is the March for Life nationwide, including Idaho. Last week there was a liberal gathering at the Capitol in Boise, and news media claimed there were hundreds in attendance. Reporters' schedules were staggered (journalists often staggered after 5:00 p.m.) to cover this massive uprising of growing conservative control. Never mind that the crowd comprised just about every liberal in a population exceeding two million.
The pro-life event will draw a much larger crowd but don’t expect much coverage. Newsrooms try to pretend the movement is a mirage.
The life movement isn’t dead, even after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Reporters claim Idaho has an abortion ban, but they stretch the truth. There are exceptions, just not as many as godless liberal newsrooms would like.
Now we have large hospital groups, some named after gospel writers, opposing current Idaho restrictions. The claim is we need reproductive healthcare, a euphemism for infanticide. Do you suppose the killing of the defenseless is a profit center?
It’s the callousness that makes me question who has a claim to the souls of liberals. I was a Democrat as a young man, and many of my friends in the party were like me. Pro-life. This is a game-changer issue, and it caused many of us to leave the party. I’ve got no regrets, as I’ve seen the left spin out of control and have a break with reality on infanticide, gender identity, and the overall hostility to our traditions and faith. We’re not necessarily dealing with evil, but a mass delusion as if half the country has been bewitched.
Recent events show sanity still might prevail.
Wyoming March for Life 2022
Gallery Credit: Eve Hamilton