Gas prices are a huge topic of discussion currently, especially with President Trump having taken over the country once more. Many have been hoping and expecting that gas prices would drop once he got into the house, with many being disappointed that it didn't happen drastically and overnight. Gas prices have lowered over the last couple of months, and hope is high that they will continue to come down.

When it comes to gas prices in Idaho, where you get your gas dictates how much you will be spending, with some places being more than others. Where are the places with the highest gas prices and where are the lowest?

Credit: Aaron Savage, Townsquare Media
Credit: Aaron Savage, Townsquare Media

Gas Prices in Idaho

Gas prices have come down significantly over the last two years, but residents in Idaho are still hoping to see them come down. Currently, there are places in Idaho where you can get gas for less than $3 per gallon, at $2.91, which isn't too bad. Idaho currently ranks 22nd in the country when it comes to gas prices. The highest value currently is above $3 at $3.10. As of this writing, all of these prices are below the country average, which currently stands at $3.12.

Like anything else, these prices will fluctuate and go up and down in the coming days, weeks, and months. When it comes to getting gas in Idaho though, where are the best places to fill up, and where should you avoid and try to fill up elsewhere? 

Credit: Karimala
Credit: Karimala

Where Are the Highest and Lowest Gas Prices in Idaho?

Residents in the Magic Valley will be disappointed to find out that Twin Falls has the most expensive gas in the Gem State. They currently are listed at $3.10 per gallon, compared to the place with the lowest prices, which is oddly Coeur d’Alene, at $2.91.

For those curious, Boise is in the middle of the two, at $3.00 per gallon, and Idaho Falls is at $3.04. Below is a list of towns and their prices as of January 27: 

  • Coeur d’Alene – $2.91
  • Boise - $3.00
  • Franklin – $3.01
  • Idaho Falls – $3.04
  • Lewiston – $3.05
  • Pocatello – $3.07
  • Rexburg – $3.08
  • Twin Falls – $3.10

The next time you are traveling through the Gem State, keep these prices in mind, so you adjust accordingly and try to fill up for the lowest amount.

When it comes to gas prices, everyone will have to sit and wait to see how the new leadership effects them. Will they go down, increase, or stay around the same? Time will tell, but compared to other places, Idaho is doing pretty well, and shouldn't complain too much, for now. For more on gas prices in Idaho, make sure to click the link in the second paragraph above.

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